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Pete’s Post: The Rest of the Week


Picking this week off where we left the last, with a nice 60 minute easy spin in a great meetup with my training buddies.

Going back to my favorite roads in Makuri Island with some cadence-based drills workout.

A great turnout for the meetup, so many time-zone differences, but somehow we all manage to make the effort to join each time.

I really appreciate the team getting up at silly times to make the ride, it has made my training fun again and keeps me going.


This week’s installment of the TeamZF Social Tour saw another big turnout, almost 300 riders joining for a great ride around the Wandering Flats course in Makuri Island.

Moments prior to today’s ride I received news that an old friend had passed away. The ride was a good distraction to keep my mind busy. The group event finished in an hour, I decided to ride on for a little longer to clear my head.

Managing 55kms, I was happy getting this done today, and bank some more distance for the year.


Wednesday this week was my turn to complete the Zwift 20min FTP Test. I don’t mind doing these tests, they do manage to push me. 

Not feeling mentally strong at this point, my plan was to just get on, see how I felt, and we would just go from there.

I used one of the short Neoyko Badge Hunter Events for my warm-up and a brief spin before the 20-minute test.

We are off, and straight away I’m just not feeling it. I try to maintain my current FTP for the first 10-minutes. Ok, that seemed ok, let’s try and step it up a few more watts, the body was feeling good. Coach had a target set for me, and I wanted to reach it. Slightly under the average, I was targeting, the last 5 minutes I pushed as hard as I could, but I just didn’t quite have enough to hit the target. I missed it by 4 watts !!!

My test went backward compared to the ramp test, I personally feel an average of the 2 tests should be your working FTP. 

Regardless, very happy with my effort today, it’s been a tough week, work has also been challenging to add to the already bad week, but we need to focus on the positives, and just get on with it right?!?

The rest of the week

The rest of this week I didn’t even look at the bike. Lacking motivation, I was feeling good, just had no drive to get anything done. 

On the positive, I did manage to spend some time with the kiddies, this is always a good workout anyways!!!

I hope you guys and girls have a great week, I promise next week will be better for us all !!!

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