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Introducing Pete

Where does one start talking about the past couple of years in this day in age! It has been challenging for many of us.

The heartache of lost loved ones, friends, or family, the closing down of many businesses. We can all agree we never expected to see anything like this in this day in age. 

With every challenge, with every negative, there is a small percentage of positive to be found if you are willing to look hard enough.

One thing that has grown through the pandemic is Indoor Stationary Cycling, multi-player platforms such as Zwift have kept the light shining bright for so many athletes during the lockdown. In my part of Australia, I have only seen short consequences of Covid19, so I made it my personal goal to keep the spirits high of those in our TeamZF community.

We have done this through countless Meetup Rides while we all join a video call and chat from all over different parts of the world. How exciting it has been for myself meeting new people, and over the past 2 years, some really strong lasting relationships. These are the positives I found in search of everything going on around me.

Another positive I found was when I reached out to an old friend and Ex- Coach Pav Bryan of Coach Pav Cycle Coaching. We both have been through some hard times, and have always been there for each other when we needed to be. Pav had taken a different business path partnering up with an established coaching firm Spokes Cycling Coaching, something I didn’t 100% agree with, as a good friend I expressed my opinion, and wished Pav all the best in his new venture. The relationship remained there, but we no longer chatted every day, and I didn’t realise how much I had missed this until we reconnected just a few months ago. As it turns out….he should have listened to me! 🙂

So this blog or journey I want to take you all on is not just cycling workouts and sweaty bib shorts! Yet a story of my struggles, my challenges, and to find the positives and push through to reach my goals and to inspire others in all stages of their lives.

I look forward to bringing various aspects, with a few fun and rewarding things for our readers!

Ride On.


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